Max Stirner Quotes

  • Philosopher
  • Germany
  • 1806

Max Stirner (1806-1856) was a German philosopher and writer known for his radical individualist and egoist ideas. He is best known for his book “The Ego and Its Own” (1844), which challenged traditional notions of morality, religion, and society. Stirner believed that individuals should…Read More

Max Stirner (1806-1856) was a German philosopher and writer known for his radical individualist and egoist ideas. He is best known for his book “The Ego and Its Own” (1844), which challenged traditional notions of morality, religion, and society. Stirner believed that individuals should prioritize their own self-interest and reject all forms of authority and social norms. He also criticized the concept of “the state” and advocated for a society based on voluntary associations. Stirner’s ideas had a significant influence on later philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Emma Goldman. He remains a controversial figure, with some viewing him as a precursor to anarchism and others as a nihilist.Read Less

Max Stirner (1806-1856) was a German philosopher and writer known for his radical individualist and egoist ideas. He is best known for his book “The Ego and Its Own” (1844), which challenged traditional notions of morality, religion, and society. Stirner believed that individuals should prioritize their own self-interest and reject all forms of authority and social norms. He also criticized the concept of “the state” and advocated for a society based on voluntary associations. Stirner’s ideas had a significant influence on later philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Emma Goldman. He remains a controversial figure, with some viewing him as a precursor to anarchism and others as a nihilist.

12 Best Max Stirner Quotes

Max Stirner Career Highlights

  • Max Stirner was a German philosopher and writer, born in 1806.
  • He is best known for his book “The Ego and Its Own” (1844), which is considered a precursor to individualist anarchism.
  • Stirner was also a member of the Young Hegelians, a group of radical thinkers who challenged traditional philosophical and religious beliefs.
  • He worked as a teacher and translator, and also wrote for various radical newspapers and journals.

Key Contributions by Max Stirner

  • Stirner’s most significant contribution was his book “The Ego and Its Own,” which challenged traditional notions of morality, religion, and political authority.
  • He argued that individuals should reject all external authorities and focus on their own self-interest and desires.
  • Stirner’s ideas influenced later thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Emma Goldman, and continue to be studied and debated by philosophers and political theorists.

What Sets Max Stirner Apart

  • Stirner’s philosophy of egoism, which prioritizes the individual’s own desires and interests above all else, was a radical departure from traditional moral and political beliefs.
  • He rejected the idea of a universal moral code or higher power, and instead advocated for individuals to embrace their own unique desires and passions.
  • Stirner’s ideas were considered controversial and dangerous by many of his contemporaries, but have since been recognized as a significant contribution to anarchist and individualist thought.


  • Max Stirner’s philosophy of egoism continues to be studied and debated by philosophers and political theorists.
  • His rejection of traditional moral and political beliefs and emphasis on individual autonomy and self-interest have had a lasting impact on anarchist and individualist thought.
  • Stirner’s work remains relevant in discussions of individual freedom and the role of authority in society.
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